Do you want to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great? CLICK HERE and JOIN THE TEAM!
I want to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
My goal is to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
I WILL Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
Theodore Roosevelt was right! What effort did I put into Day 6…a lot! Find out what!
Morning: Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great
The morning of Day 6 went well. In fact, it went by quickly. No hunger pains. No tiredness. Nothing bad! I tell you what! There might be something about this intermittent fasting and heavy lifting!
But it wasn’t the morning that I was worried about. It was the afternoon! We had a family event we were attending and it was going to be full of yummy foods!
Afternoon: Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great
Around 12:30pm, right before we left for the family event, I blended up my favorite peanut butter Chocolate Shakeology shake and drank it on the way to our family’s house. I knew that if I walked into the house hungry, it wouldn’t end well! It is so much easier to stay on track when you plan ahead, but it STILL takes effort!
Walking in the door the smell of baked goods smacked me across the face! It smelled so good! I was so thankful that I had my shake before we showed up. The amount of food was staggering and everything looked delicious. While everyone enjoyed the meal I jumped onto uncle duty and held our nephew while he slept.
Evening: Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great
Hours later we were still enjoying ourselves but it was time for me to eat! Fortunately, I had brought the leftover brown rice and black beans I made yesterday. So I warmed it up and ate it quickly. I needed to get out of the kitchen! Shortly after eating my leftovers we headed home.
Workout: Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great
Tonight’s workout was BODY BEAST Build: Shoulders. It had been some time since I had done that workout and the weights seemed HEAVY! But, I finished it up feeling strong and then jumped on the Precor Elliptical for the intervals and steady state cardio. I wasn’t expecting a HUGE calorie burn, but was happy to see 461 calories burned on my Polar FT80.
Post-Workout: Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great
About 45 minutes later, I downed 2 scoops of the P90X Results & Recovery formula and then chased it with a DELICIOUS peanut butter and banana Chocolate Shakeology shake. SO AWESOME!
I put a lot of effort into today and this week. But it was WORTH IT! I cannot wait to see the results in the weeks to come!
An AWESOME start to the experiment and now I get to enjoy tomorrow as a rest day!