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I want to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
My goal is to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
I WILL Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
And I’m going to inspire others to do so to! How did Day 2 go?
Morning: Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great
Well, the second day wasn’t as bad as I thought. Since I had ~50% of my calories before I went to bed, the fast until about 1pm wasn’t bad. In fact, I just had some water and I wasn’t hungry when my “breakfast” time came around.
Afternoon: Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great
Around 1pm I made my peanut butter Chocolate Shakeology shake. As usual, it was delicious! I did start to feel last night’s workout in my arms and shoulders. The Shakeology shake kept me full.
Evening: Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great
This time for dinner I just made another peanut butter Chocolate Shakeology. I wasn’t actually hungry, but I know I needed to eat. Intermittent fasting is one thing, but NOT eating is another. I thought this day was going to be worse but everything seems to be fine. I don’t feel tired or run down. I actually feel pretty good. We’ll see how the workout goes tonight.
Workout: Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great
Well, the workout, Body Beast Build: Back/Bis, started out well. But I found myself having to pause the DVD to catch my breath and finish the reps to catch up with Sagi and the crew. I’m happy with the weights I used, but I wish I wouldn’t have pushed PAUSE! I was dreading the INSANITY FAST AND FURIOUS workout, so I opted for intervals on the Precor Elliptical instead. I just didn’t have it in me to complete a Shaun T workout! The intervals went fine and tired me the rest of the way out!
After looking at the calories burn, 601 calories in 85 minutes, I know why I’m tired! My average heart rate was 138 (compared to 133 yesterday) and my max heart rate reached 172!
Post-Workout: Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great
Since it was so late, there was no way I was going to wait an hour. So, I mixed my P90X Results & Recovery, chugged it and then made a double scoop Chocolate Shakeology shake with peanut butter and a banana. Oh yeah, I need that nutrient dense goodness!
Time for bed! Good thing tomorrow is a REST DAY!