Do you want to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great? CLICK HERE and JOIN THE TEAM!
I want to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
My goal is to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
I WILL Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
I have a plan and it feels good! How did Day 3 and 4 go?
Day 3: Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great
Day 3 went well, but I did feel hungry most of the day. The best part was that I got to rest! I needed the rest and it was great! It was exactly what I needed. On to Day 4…
Morning: Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great
The rest day did me great! I felt rested, relaxed and actually didn’t feel too hungry.
Afternoon: Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great
The rest day did me great! I felt rested, relaxed and actually didn’t feel too hungry. I had my usual peanut butter Chocolate Shakeology shake around 1pm. But, so far, so good!
Evening: Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great
We actually got a babysitter for this evening so that we could go see a movie…soooooo, I just quickly made another peanut butter Chocolate Shakeology. One thing I like about this plan is how easy it has been to stay on track. I actually thought it was going to be more difficult.
Workout: Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great
This evening’s workout, Body Beast Build: Chest/Tris, went really well. I increased the weight on a couple of exercises and I did pause the DVD a couple of times to get the reps in, but I got them all in! I was feeling really good afterwards. Then I jumped on the Precor Elliptical for 30 minutes. 10 minutes of intervals and then 20 minutes of steady state cardio. Even after 80 minutes of workouts, 556 calories burned and a calorie deficit, I’m feeling great!
Post-Workout: Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great
After a short while, I mixed 3 scoops of the P90X Results & Recovery formula, 2 packets of Tropical Strawberry, some water and ice and made an AWESOME post-workout meal. It was actually the first time I mixed them together and I’m glad I did, IT WAS DELICIOUS!
Time for bed and I’m looking forward to tomorrow!