Recipe: Delicious Meatless Lasagna



Recipe: Delicious Meatless Lasagna

By request, a delicious lasagna!For me, lasagna is one of those comfort foods that is just GOOD!  But good tasting lasagna usually isn’t a meal that fits into a clean diet.  This particular version of lasagna happens to be vegetarian, but I bet you cannot tell the difference.  By using a meatless and soy-free Quorn product I was able to keep the fat and the calories down.  The macronutrient profile is 30/40/30 (protein/carbs/fat).  This recipe isn’t quick’n’easy, but it is simple and it is delicious.  This recipe was thoroughly enjoyed by my family and I hope your family enjoys it!

  • 9 pieces of lasagna noodles
  • a package of Quorn Meatless Soy-Free Grounds
  • 2 jars of organic pasta sauce (I used Muir Glen)
  • 1 tsp of cinnamon (of course!)
  • 4 cups of part skim mozzarella cheese
  • 2 cups of low fat ricotta
  • 2 tbsp of minced garlic (or more)
  • 1 oz of romano cheese
  • 1 tsp of oregano (or more)
  • 1 tsp of basil

Boil water in a large pot.  When the water is boiling add the lasagna noodles.  Cook for approximately 10 minutes.  In a medium sauce pan warm the 2 jars of pasta sauce.  Defrost the Quorn grounds and add them to the warming sauce.  Add cinnamon and stir.  Keep the sauce warm on low.  Mix together 2 cups of mozzerella, ricotta, romano, garlic, oregano and basil in a bowl and set to the side.  Preheat oven to 400°.  Spray an 11×7 casserole dish with a light layer of grapseed oil.  When the noodles are done cooking add 3 noodles to the bottom of the dish.  On top of the noodles add about 1/3 of the warm sauce/grounds mixture.  On top of the sauce/grounds mixture and about 1/2 of the cheese mixture.  Add a second layer of 3 noodles.  Add 1/3 of the sauce/grounds mixture.  Add the rest of the cheese mixture.  Add a third layer of 3 noodles.  Add the rest of the sauce/grounds.  Sprinkle the remaining 2 cups of mozzarella cheese to the top of the lasagna.  Bake in the oven for 25 minutes or until the mozzarella cheese on top is a golden brown.  Remove from the oven and let cool for about 10 minutes.  Makes 12 servings.  

Preparation Time: 45 minutes

Nutritional Information (per serving)
Calories Protein Fiber Carbs Fat Total Saturated Fat
310 22 grams 5 grams 33 grams 10.5 grams 6 grams

Have you tried a CoachWoot recipe? If so, share your thoughts and comments!


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