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I want to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
My goal is to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
I WILL Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
Usually, pain is also at the end of that comfort zone, right?
Not that I’m big into pain. But having that burning sensation in your muscle groups while you workout is a great feeling AFTERWARDS!
Well, I had some of that today when I was doing the intervals on the elliptical this evening. But I’ll get into that in a minute.
Today definite did not start out well. Our youngest caught strep again and woke us up at 2am vomiting. NOT GOOD! Needless to say, I didn’t any sleep.
Morning: Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great
With the lack of sleep, I was dragging all morning. And the morning seemed to be forever long.
Afternoon: Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great
By the afternoon I was feeling OK. Of course, my favorite meal perked me up. I blended up a peanut butter Chocolate Shakeology shake. It always hits the spot, tastes good and is healthy too! A win-win-win!
Evening: Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great
Around dinner time I had to run out. While out the kids pleaded for some Domino’s pizza. Comfort food since they have all been feeling horrible the past couple of weeks. The kids have to enjoy a dinner every once in awhile, right?
Oh man, when I picked up the pizza it SMELLED SO GOOD! Wow, as you probably know, PIZZA IS MY WEAKNESS! I love EVERYTHING about it. Domino’s isn’t my favorite pizza, but it is pizza.
When I got home I really had to fight the urge/temptation to eat some. I tell ya’, after having no sleep, dragging all day and being hungry, it was calling my name!
I was strong though! I threw a brown rice steamer bag into the microwave. While that was cooking I warmed up some canned organic black beans and threw in some spices. When the rice was done, I mixed it together added some lime juice and voila, arroz y frijoles. I also warmed up the steamed veggies from yesterday and I had a complete meal.
It wasn’t pizza, but it was WAAAAAY better for me and keeps me on track to GET RESULTS!
Workout: Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great
When workout time came around, the lack of sleep hit me again! I did NOT feel like pushing play.
But, I mustered up the motivation to go into the garage and pop the BODY BEAST DVD in. Once I started I felt pretty good. I bumped up the weights on the incline bench moves, a physical weakness of mine.
I’m proud of the weights I was putting up and I look forward to beating those numbers in the near future.
After the strength training I jumped onto the elliptical. Whew, the lack of sleep hit AGAIN! I was really dragging on the intervals, legs were burning and I was tired. Which was unusual, since I don’t mind them at all. It just shows how IMPORTANT sleep is!
According to my awesome Polar FT80 and H7, I burned 567 calories.
Definitely outside of my comfort zone today with the lack of sleep, but well worth it!
Post-Workout: Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great
With my butt thoroughly kicked, I blended up a SUPER SHAKE. What’s a SUPER SHAKE? A term my friend Ken Allen came up with. It’s a HUUUUGE Shakeology shake. For me, it was 2 bananas, 2 tbsp natural peanut butter, 2 scoops of Chocolate Shakoelogy and LOTS OF ICE!
It was AWESOME! Time for bed!