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I want to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
My goal is to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
I WILL Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
If you push yourself every workout to GET RESULTS, then this is true.
Pushing for one more rep, a few more seconds, a little more weight.
Those things make you better!
Today I did just that!
Morning: Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great
I actually got some sleep last night, so the morning was much better. The medicine for everyone in the family seems to be kicking in, WHICH IS GOOD!
The morning continued without incident and time flew by.
Afternoon: Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great
Around 1pm I made myself a peanut butter Chocolate Shakeology shake. You’d think that I’d be bored with eating and drinking the same things over and over again but I’m not. It tastes delicious EVERY TIME!
Today I drove 2 of the kids to doctor’s appointments and since we were in town, we took a quick detour to our favorite quick and health food joint, Chipotle. As usual, I got a veggie bowl with brown rice, black beans, fajitas, all the salsas, corn and guacamole. I ate half just after 4pm. Man, that was good. (Note to self, I need to write a post on this!)
Evening: Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great
Since I had my second meal a little earlier than usual, I was able to get the workout in a little earlier. Plus it gives me a chance to spend some time with my better half.
Workout: Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great
Tonight’s workout was BODY BEAST Build:Back/Bis.
I feel good that most of the time I was using the same or heavier sized weights that Sagi was using. Although, the man is a BEAST when it comes to bicep part of the workout. He’s doing bicep curls easily with 40’s. A lot heavier than I can go!
According to my Polar FT80/H7 combo, I burned a respectable 384 calories with JUST the strength training part of the workout. I was happy with that and decided to skip the cardio for the night.
Post-Workout: Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great
Immediate after the workout, I blended a double scoop Chocolate, banana, peanut butter Shakeology shake and added some creatine and BCAAs.
And since I was done earlier than usual, Jaime and I popped in a DVD and got to spend some quality, relaxing, couple time together. BONUS! Oh, and that stinker ate the second half of my veggie bowl!