Do you want to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great? CLICK HERE and JOIN THE TEAM!
“If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results.”
I want to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
My goal is to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
I WILL Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
That quote is EXACTLY why you need to take a rest day! Change is what keeps the body working, keeps the body guessing, it’s what GETS RESULTS!
But, [click here to continue...]

Do you want to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great? CLICK HERE and JOIN THE TEAM!
“Failure is not falling down but refusing to get up.” – Chinese proverb
I want to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
My goal is to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
I WILL Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
The last few days have been a blur! I have been a little off schedule and my meals have been a little off too. BUT, I refuse to fail, so I needed to get back on track and today was the day! [click here to continue...]

Do you want to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great? CLICK HERE and JOIN THE TEAM!
“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
I want to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
My goal is to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
I WILL Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
I predict that I will GET RESULTS! Now all I have to do is follow the plan and create those results!
Uh oh, I’m getting… [click here to continue...]

Do you want to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great? CLICK HERE and JOIN THE TEAM!
“You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
I want to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
My goal is to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
I WILL Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
What a long day! But, the day wasn’t over. I needed to push play! See how day 16 went… [click here to continue...]

Do you want to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great? CLICK HERE and JOIN THE TEAM!
“Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” – Will Rogers
I want to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
My goal is to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
I WILL Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
Our vacation is over. I am on the right track, even working out watching my diet during vacation. But I cannot rest…PUSH, PUSH, PUSH!
I jumped on the scale this morning and… [click here to continue...]