Do you want to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great? CLICK HERE and JOIN THE TEAM!
“Strength doesn’t come from what you CAN do. It comes from OVERCOMING the things you once thought you couldn’t.”
I want to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
My goal is to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
I WILL Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
You’ve heard the saying, “mind over matter”. Well, the brain controls everything we do. So, if you believe, it will happen. Just like today’s… [click here to continue...]

Do you want to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great? CLICK HERE and JOIN THE TEAM!
3 Simple Rules.
1) If you do not GO after what you want, you’ll never have it;
2) If you do not ASK, the answer will always be NO;
3) If you do not STEP FORWARD, you’ll always be in the SAME PLACE.
I want to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
My goal is to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
I WILL Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
Those rules are something to live by. GO AFTER IT, ALWAYS ASK, KEEP MOVING FORWARD! Was I able to do that today? [click here to continue...]

Do you want to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great? CLICK HERE and JOIN THE TEAM!
“First You Feel Like Dying. Then You Feel Reborn.”
I want to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
My goal is to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
I WILL Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
That’s what I kept telling my buddy today. He was SOOO sore from yesterday’s workout. Today, he had one of his local friends come over to join us in a group BODY BEAST workout. But, we’ll get to that in a minute… [click here to continue...]

Do you want to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great? CLICK HERE and JOIN THE TEAM!
“Stop Waiting For Things To Happen. Go Out And Make Them Happen.”
I want to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
My goal is to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
I WILL Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
Go out and make things happen. That is what I have to do to GET RESULTS even when I’m on vacation.
Today’s workout was awesome because… [click here to continue...]

Do you want to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great? CLICK HERE and JOIN THE TEAM!
“Motivation Is What Gets You Started. Habit Is What Keeps You Going.”
I want to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
My goal is to Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
I WILL Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Feel Great!
Motivation is what started this experiment. And the past 9 days of habit need to carry me through this crazy… [click here to continue...]