I had the AWESOME opportunity to be a special guest for a local radio show, Powhatan Radio.
Powhatan Radio is a local weekly radio show that brings the community together by sharing upcoming events, interviewing local people and business and by providing helpful information for the community. (Powhatan Radio is also on Facebook.)
The host of Powhatan Radio is Katrina Blankenship. What a pleasure it was to chat with her during the show. Katrina, thanks again for having me on as a guest!
We talked about:
- the growing trend of obesity
- why America is obese
- what Beachbody and CoachWoot are doing to end the trend of obesity
- what YOU can do to end the trend of obesity
If YOU need help or just have questions, JOIN CoachWoot’s team for FREE!
Here is a recording of the radio show interview. Enjoy!
CoachWoot’s Powhatan Radio Interview on June 9, 2011