Fattest Cities - Richmond
I cannot believe it!
Well, according to Newsweek’s TheDailyBeast.com, Richmond placed second in the list of the fattest cities!
What can we do to remove Richmond from this horrible and embarrassing list?
That is NOT something I want Richmond to be known for! Our state slogan is “Virginia Is For Lovers” NOT “Virginia Is For The Obese“!
With a state slogan of “Everything’s Bigger In Texas“, you would expect some cities from Texas to be on the top 10 list of the fattest cities and you would be right! San Antonio, Texas is ranked as third for the fattest cities in America. But, the Fattest Cities – Richmond, come on!
Fattest Cities – Richmond – Specific Numbers
What are the specific numbers for Richmond?
% of population that is obese: 29.4
% of population with diabetes: 9.9
% of population that exercises frequently: 50.2
% of population that eats produce regularly: 58.1
We have some work to do Richmond!
Let’s END THE TREND of obesity in Richmond!
Fattest Cities – Richmond – It Made The News
The fact that on a lit of Fattest Cities – Richmond is second is BIG news (no pun intended). Check out the video from WTVR below.
Fattest Cities – Richmond – What Should We Do?
It is definitely eye opening, as well as, sobering to read and hear this information. It hits you right in the heart!
Obesity is an epidemic. And apparently, we are seeing and feeling the pain in Richmond, VA.
What can we do?
As we heard HCA Nurse Practitioner, Sandra Steele, mention in the video above, “The number one prescription I make is diet and exercise.”
We need to get eat better and stay active! Click the link below to get your FREE Beachbody account and get motivation and support from CoachWoot, a certified professional fitness trainer that is working in the Richmond area to END THE TREND of obesity!
Looking at the list of Fattest Cities – Richmond WILL BE TAKEN OFF THAT LIST! WE CAN DO THIS!