Ultimate Reset – THE JOURNEY – Day 10

Ultimate ResetUltimate Reset Day 10 and I’m about halfway through it! I am surprised at how well this journey is going. I’ve gotten into the habit of eating well, drinking that distilled water, taking the Ultimate Reset supplements and staying on track! I’ve been faced with temptation and overcame obstacles. I see a difference on the scale and I can see a difference in the midsection. Thank you Ultimate Reset! Let’s see how Day 10 progressed.

Ultimate Reset – THE JOURNEY – Day 10

I went to bed earlier than usual last night and got an AWESOME nights sleep! I actually didn’t set my alarm last night, but I didn’t have to. Why? Because the kids were my alarm. All 3 of them ran in and jumped on us! THAT WAS OUR WAKE UP CALL! They wanted their Shakeology! My wife started on their shakes and I started on the Ultimate Reset supplements. Mixed up a small glass of Detox. I’ve already gotten use to the taste. Still isn’t my favorite but it is doable. Then the tall glass of distilled water with Mineralize, Oxygenize and Optimize.

I already knew I was going for the Ultimate Reset option of Tropical Strawberry Shakeology. So, I happily poured 8 ounces of distilled water, threw in some large, yummy strawberries, the Tropical Strawberry Shakeology and some ice. Yummy!

I want to RESET my body with the Ultimate Reset!

The morning passed and it was time for the Ultimate Reset supplements again. Again, the Ultimate Reset lunch was the leftovers from yesterday’s dinner. So after 30 minutes, I warmed up that Sweet Potato and Roasted Red Pepper Bisque and made a quick salad. That soup is SO good. I’m so happy we have this recipe. In fact, my wife asked for some and I had already eaten it!

The Ultimate Reset schedule is becoming such a habit so easily, a couple of hours later, it was time for Alkalinize. I quickly drank it, drank some more distilled water and skipped the optional Ultimate Reset snack.

As dinner time approached, it was time for the four Ultimate Reset supplements again. Guzzled them down and then it was time for Quinoa Pilaf. I already had some cooked quinoa, so I just had to chop up the vegetables and cook them for a few minutes. Then I added the quinoa, some herbs and finished it up. Also on the Ultimate Reset menu was broccoli. But, the broccoli wasn’t good, so guess what? You aren’t going to believe this one! I steamed some KALE to go with the Quinoa Pilaf. I almost can’t believe it!

Day 10 went really well. Looking forward to Day 11!

Did you miss Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5, Day 6, Day 7, Day 8, or Day 9?

I want to RESET my body with the Ultimate Reset!


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