Ultimate Reset – THE JOURNEY – Day 13

Ultimate ResetUltimate Reset Day 13, compared with two weeks ago, I’ve definitely noticed the weight loss and the ease of digestion. I also have been thinking about some of those great Ultimate Reset recipes. I do miss working out though. But according to the experts, I should have renewed energy when I get back to it! Well, let’s see how Day 13 of the Ultimate Reset went.

Ultimate Reset – THE JOURNEY – Day 13

Woke up this morning and we had limited time to get going since we had a long day planned. Rolled out of bed, got started on Detox then the large glass of distilled water with with Mineralize, Oxygenize and Optimize. As all of us got ready to run out the door, I made a delicious Tropical Strawberry Shakeology shake with cantaloupe. Trying to drink it quickly before we ran out the door caused a BRAIN FREEZE!

I want to RESET my body with the Ultimate Reset!

We were out all morning and when we got home, I had just enough time to get the four Ultimate Reset supplements in and then warm a Amy’s Organic Lentil Soup. As I waited the 30 minutes, I packed some snacks for the kids and some extra distilled water. (Later I realized that I FORGOT to pack the Alkalinize.) As soon as I could, I finished up the soup and we headed out.

At the fair with the family and we were having a blast. The temptations were EVERYWHERE though! My wife ate an awesome smelling gyro for me! I was definitely jealous, but gyros are not on the Ultimate Reset menu. When snack time rolled around I was disappointed. I finally realized I had forgotten the Alkalinize packet, but I did drink the water since it was hot.

We did have a great time. The kids got to do all kinds of things. On the way out, they got to ride a camel! When we got home I mixed up the Ultimate Reset Alkalinize and skipped the snack even though I WAS HUNGRY! We made burgers for dinner and it smelled so good.

A couple hours after the Alkalinize I got the reset of the Ultimate Reset supplements down and then I could work on dinner for myself. Since it was already late in the evening I just made some Black Beans and Rice. FINALLY, some food! Whew, I am glad I was able to hold out without eating anything that wasn’t on the Ultimate Reset menu.

What a crazy day. Totally off schedule, filled with temptations, BUT I SURVIVED. It is hard to believe that tomorrow is the end of week 2. Come on Day 14!

Did you miss Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5, Day 6, Day 7, Day 8, Day 9, Day 10, Day 11 or Day 12?

I want to RESET my body with the Ultimate Reset!


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